IAPS 4.0
The Study Program Accreditation Instrument (IAPS 4.0: PerBaAN-PT No. 5 of 2019) was developed by BAN PT to support the development of the higher education sector in Indonesia that follows global developments. This is the fourth development cycle, where the initial version of the accreditation instrument was launched in 1996, the second version in 2000 and the third version in 2008. The instruments developed include various types based on:
- Type of education, namely vocational, academic, professional
- Educational programs, namely diploma, bachelor, applied bachelor, master, applied master, professional, specialist, doctoral, and applied doctoral programs
- Learning mode, namely face to face and long distance
The significant changes to IAPS 4.0 include: 1) The unit proposed accreditation is the Study Program Management Unit and no longer the Study Program as in the instruments that were in force in the previous period; and 2) IAPS 4.0 uses 9 criteria as follows:
- Vision, Mission, Objectives and Strategies
- Governance, Governance and Cooperation
- College student
- Human Resources
- Finance, Facilities and Infrastructure
- Education
- Research
- Community service
- Tridharma's Outcomes and Achievements
Which as a whole measures the level of achievement and / or exceedance of the National Higher Education Standards and the standards set by each tertiary institution.
IAPS 4.0 is oriented towards outputs and outcomes. Quality measurements are more focused on aspects of the process, output and outcome, while previous instruments measure more aspects of the input.
IAPS 4.0 consists of the Self Evaluation Report (LED: Appendix 3 of PerBAN-PT No. 5 of 2019) and the Study Program Performance Report (LKPS: Appendix 4 of PerBAN-PT No. 5 of 2019). Self Evaluation Report which describes the status and performance analysis of each criterion. The study program management unit is expected to be able to identify its strengths and aspects that need improvement in the proposed study program accreditation. LKPS which contains data on study program performance indicators, which will gradually be integrated with PD-Dikti.
The results of accreditation with IAPS 4.0 will be stated in the form of accreditation status and accredited ranking as follows:
• Accreditation status: Accredited or Not Accredited
• Accredited Ranking: Good, Very Good, Excellent