Final Assignment Workshop

On February 25th, 2022, the online Final Project Workshop was held, which was a collaboration between the Final Project Commission of the Informatics Study Program at Udayana University and the Computer Science Student Association, aimed at socializing the implementation process of final project development to address the issues faced by final year students in completing their final projects.

In 2022, this event was coordinated by a team of 28 committee members comprising both students and lecturers. The workshop was held via the Webex Meeting platform and was attended by 94 Informatics students from the 2020 batch.

The main objective of the workshop was to provide guidance and support to students in completing their final project in a timely and effective manner. The workshop covered various topics related to the final project development process, such as the selection of topics, the formulation of research questions, the preparation of research proposals, the collection and analysis of data, and the writing of the final report.

During the workshop, participants also had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any doubts they had regarding the final project process. The committee members, who were experienced in the field of final project development, provided valuable insights and advice to the participants, which helped them to better understand the intricacies of the final project development process.

Overall, the Final Project Workshop was a successful event that provided a platform for students to gain knowledge and guidance on the final project development process. Through this workshop, the Informatics Study Program at Udayana University aims to prepare students to become competent professionals in the field of information technology and contribute to the development of the industry in Indonesia.