STACK: A Bootcamp Held by SIC

Student Innovation Centre (SIC) Informatics' Tech & Dev Division proudly presents SIC Tech Talk and Practice (STACK). Inspired by the bootcamp concept, STACK was convened during the even semester break of the 2022/2023 academic year. The name "STACK" is inspired by the data structure "stack." This philosophy has a hope that participants' hard skills“stack up” higher and higher after taking part in STACK. SIC Tech Talk and Practice–as the name suggests–intensely engages participants to practice the hard skills they got during bootcamp. This year, STACK focused towards web programming, a theme chosen based on feedback from the 2022 batch of Informatics students.

Through STACK, SIC synergizes with Informatics by moving in line with the implemented curriculum. STACK helps Informatics students to learn the material in the curriculum in depth with approach “tech talk” and “practice” so that the material studied can be remembered longer. Besides deepening the lecture material, the practice also aims to introduce the project given by the Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) partners. So they are better prepared for their PKL session next semester.

STACK was held in BG 1.1 Building. STACK was officially opened by Pembina Kemahasiswaan Program Studi Informatika, Bapak I Gusti Ngurah Anom Cahyadi Putra, S.T., M.Cs. The program spanned four weeks, with offline meetings every Monday on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th of August 2023. However, the engagement wasn't confined to these offline sessions. Mentors and participants frequently connected on the SIC Community Discord platform to address challenges faced during the final project phase. In detail, main materials discussed in STACK: 1) web programming introduction, HTML, and CSS; 2) Bootstrap and JavaScript; and 3) API consume and advanced JavaScript. On the last day also an additional material: Version Control System using Git and GitHub.

On the last day, the best five participants present their final project, each presenting their own personal portfolio website. Participants shared their conceptualizations, used technologies, and challenges encountered during the development. A Q&A session followed, with judges offering valuable feedback to enhance the presented portfolios. Of the showcased projects, three exceptional participants were recognized as the best project. The event concluded with a documentation session and was ceremoniously closed by the master of ceremony.

These are participants’ final project showcase: