Lecturer of the Informatics Study Program representing Udayana University as an Expert Trainer / Facilitator for Sekolah Penggerak
Sekolah Penggerak is a school that focuses on developing student learning outcomes holistically by realizing the Pancasila Student Profile which includes competence and character starting with superior human resources (principals and teachers). This driving school program accelerates schools that are committed to implementing learning with a new paradigm. The program is carried out in stages and is integrated with the ecosystem until all schools in Indonesia become the Driving School Program. There are five interventions carried out by the driving school programs, including consultative and asymmetric assistance, strengthening human resources in schools, learning with a new paradigm, data-based planning, and digitizing schools.
To assist this central government program, Udayana University has played a role in assisting schools in the implementation of the Motivating School Program by assigning a Lecturer for the Informatics Study Program, I Dewa Made Bayu Atmaja Darmawan, S.Kom., M.Cs. as an Expert Trainer or Facilitator for Motivating Schools in 2022. In accordance with the Decree of the Director of Principals, School Supervisors and Education Personnel, No: 0549/B3/HK.01.03/2022 concerning Facilitator of Motivating Schools, there are ten tasks that must be carried out by Expert Trainers/Facilitators of Motivating Schools, among others:
- train learning committee members in the Learning Committee Training;
- facilitate workshops for school principals and PAUD teachers/educators;
- facilitate workshops for school supervisors/supervisors;
- assisting school principals and teachers in the process of implementing the Independent Curriculum;
- encourage school supervisors/supervisors, school principals, and PAUD teachers/educators to initiate a community of practitioners as a forum for shared learning and reflection;
- monitor the progress of the Motivating School Program mentoring and the learning progress of the learning committee;
- facilitate reflection on education units and reflection at the end of the school year;
- facilitate school-level operational management working group forums;
- take an active role in stakeholder forum meetings; and
- increase the capacity of its role as Facilitator for Driving Schools through strengthening activities with the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel and technical implementing units within the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel.
The involvement of Udayana University lecturers in the central government's program in the transformation of education at the elementary and secondary school level (dasmen) is a form of the institution's concern for the world of education not only at the university level but also at the elementary school level.