Optimus 2022

The concept of OPTIMUS is to provide an introduction to the life and environment of the informatics campus, so that new students of the Informatics study program can better understand the campus environment and conditions. In addition, the program also provides basic programming training which is very important for new students of the Informatics study program to learn. This training aims to equip new students with basic programming skills so that they are better prepared to face more technical courses.

In its implementation, OPTIMUS invites speakers from various backgrounds, both academics and practitioners, to provide an understanding and experience of the programming world and the informatics campus. OPTIMUS also provides an opportunity for new students to interact with seniors and lecturers from the Informatics study program, so that they can expand their networks and gain useful information.

Through the OPTIMUS work program, HIMAIF UDAYANA hopes to make a positive contribution to new students of the Informatics study program in preparing themselves for university life and also providing an overview of the wider informatics campus environment.