Preparation of Udayana Informatics Students in Participating the Gemastik Competition

Gemastik is a national level information and communication technology competition held annually by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. This competition was attended by students from all over Indonesia and consisted of various fields, such as programming, user experience design, cybersecurity, data mining, and so on.

The enthusiasm of Udayana University Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Informatics students to participate in the Gemastik competition is very high because this event provides an opportunity to test skills and knowledge in the field of information and communication technology. In addition, the Gemastik competition also provides an opportunity for participants to interact with students from all over Indonesia and expand their network of friends in the field of information and communication technology.

To prepare for the Gemastik competition, the Student Innovation Center (SIC) Organization of the Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University has formed a team to take part in this year's Gemastik competition. This team consists of Udayana informatics students batch 21 and 22 whose members have interest and expertise in the fields of competition they will be participating in.

The Gemastik preparation activity which was held on April 18 2023 at 20.00 WITA online at the SIC 2023 Discord Community discussed topics related to Gemastik, such as joint discussions and information sharing. Through this preparatory activity, it is hoped that the participants will be able to gain better knowledge and skills so that they are able to excel in the upcoming Gemastik competitions.