SNATIA, which stands for National Seminar on Information Technology and its Applications, is an annual event organized by the Informatics Study Program of Udayana University with the aim of facilitating academics and practitioners in the field of information technology and its applications.

This event provides an opportunity for participants to broaden their horizons and share knowledge and experience in the field of technology innovation with the aim of improving their ability to produce quality scientific works.

SNATIA also aims to open up a space for discussion among seminar participants to share views, ideas, and the latest developments in the field of information technology and its applications. In addition, SNATIA also serves as an effective platform for expanding networks and developing cooperation among seminar participants.

By bringing in various expert and experienced speakers in the field of information technology and its applications, SNATIA ensures that seminar participants will gain a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the topics discussed. Through SNATIA, Udayana University hopes to make a real contribution to advancing information technology and its applications in Indonesia.