Udayana Mengabdi: Informatics Lecturer Introduces Cloud Technology for Learning at SLB Negeri 2 Denpasar
In 2022, the Udayana Serving Program from the Informatics Study Program was successfully implemented at SLB Negeri 2 Denpasar. The coordinator in this program is I Dewa Made Bayu Atmaja Darmawan, S.Kom., M.Cs. In this year's service, the service team provided education staff and teachers with an introduction to Cloud technology to manage learning and administration using Cloud technology. This service also aims to improve the pedagogic competence of teachers in implementing ICT-based learning. Ni Wayan Rapyanti, Head of SLB Negeri 2 Denpasar emphasized the importance of implementing ICT in special schools to help teachers communicate with students with special needs. Deputy Principal for Curriculum, Luh Made Suriwati, said that ICT helps to learn during the COVID-19 pandemic, where face-to-face activities are not possible and can be done virtually. The guidance of teachers and education personnel on ICT competencies is expected to be a provision for schools to organize Driving Schools, one of the components of the program is the digitalization of learning. This service program is expected to be continued in the following year for more comprehensive materials and the involvement of more school partners.