Himpunan Mahasiswa Informatika (HIMAIF) Universitas Udayana proudly announces their newest event, the National Informatics Webinar (WEBNAS). The purpose of this event is to provide education to webinar participants through material presentation by expert speakers, increase the existence of the Informatics Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Udayana in the community, and to instill a new spirit for young generations to build a successful entrepreneurial venture in this era of innovation.

This webinar event is a seminar held online using the Zoom Cloud Meetings platform that lasts for one day from morning to afternoon. WEBNAS will be broadcast live and invite several speakers who are experts in the field of informatics to present material related to the predetermined theme. In addition, this webinar event will also present several entertainment to enliven this national informatics webinar event.

Through WEBNAS, participants will be given the opportunity to gain wider insight into the current development of information technology. This event also provides an opportunity for participants to interact and discuss with experts and practitioners in the field of informatics, which can help improve their understanding and knowledge.

This event is open to all students and the general public who want to gain more knowledge about the field of informatics. For more information about WEBNAS, please visit the official website of HIMAIF Universitas Udayana.